Tech info and resources for seniors in Heritage Pines NC

Join me the third Saturday of each month at 9 am in the Heritage Pines clubhouse to talk about the technology that permeates every corner of our lives.  We'll have questions, we'll have answers, we'll be sharing what works and what doesn't when it comes to computers, smartphones, tablets and more.  See you then!

TechTalkHP monthly meetings are in the Heritage Pines clubhouse at 9 am on the third Saturday of the month!  

May--Fixing Your Photos

We all have cameras in our phones these days and so we all take pictures…but not all pictures are great.  For the May TechTalk I’ll go over some free apps for your phone or computer that will let you “fix” those oopses….take out that former son-in-law or make the picture of the party great without the mess on the corner of the table or… you get the idea.  Join me for TechTalk on Saturday May 18th at 9am in the Clubhouse and I’ll show you some of your options to make your great photos even better and the not-so-great ones can be saved!

(HINT:  go to the "Downloads" page to get a PDF copy of the slides used in the presentations...slides should be available the evening before the meeting so you can print out a copy and bring with you to take notes if you desire)

For useful websites and links to valuable (and validated) information see the RESOURCES page

For links to previous presentations/topic, head over to the DOWNLOADS page